Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can You Obtain Health Insurance?

As statistics continue to indicate the increasing numbers of uninsured in the US, it is (or should be) of utmost concern to every American that the team we elect into the presidency as of January has a firm plan to reform health care. In my opinion, the health care system is in a state of turmoil akin to the economic crisis. They are going to go hand-in-hand. Today, WebMD published articles related to the uninsured which did reinforce what we have been told all along of the number of uninsured. Along with these statistics, a recent study by Consumer Reports was highlighted that indicated it has become increasingly more difficult for individuals to obtain insurance coverage.

Here's the link to the article:

In other words, if they do not have group coverage through the employer, it is difficult or near impossible to obtain it unless you are completely healthy. They told the story of a woman with Rheumatoid arthritis who lost her group insurance when her employer discontinued the plan. With her arthritis, the only thing that was keeping her from being completely disabled was a monthly injection of a medication costing $1400-$1700 per month. She has been turned down for most policy coverage or when accepted, it was to exclude any costs related to the rheumatoid arthritis.

I restate parts of the story to make a point. This situation is not an isolated one. I am fairly sure if I lost my group coverage, I would not be able to obtain coverage, or at least not anything I consider comprehensive and or affordable. In the above situation, she is actually considering not taking her injections (because of cost) until she is completely disabled again, then file for disability through the government systems. Now, is this what we want or need in a health care system? I think not, but it is not the fault of the insurance companies. I believe the insurance situation is a by-product of ever increasing costs of technology, drug research and development as well as the increase in the human life span. The attached link is to another article published on WebMD of items to consider and look for if you find yourself in the position of searching for health policy coverage.

It is extremely important that we demand of our legislators and the upcoming President of the US to implement a plan that will ensure every American is able to obtain health coverage regardless of current health conditions. We need to hold them responsible to first, implement a committee of health personnel and non-health care persons to identify what we actually do expect from our health care system. Then, do whatever it takes to find funding that will provide at least that basic requirement for every American. Now, I don't mean to imply that there is no personal financial responsibility.

As you can see, I am somewhat passionate about this topic. Due to that passion, I have provided some helpful resources on my web site ( ). I would also like to recommend a book recently published by a colleague. The book is "Healing Health Care" by Dr. Roger Howe. His analysis does give an interesting perspective of approaching a solution to this crisis...and yes, it is a crisis. That is my opinion.

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