I have back from a little time off. I've got a lot of stuff to share so I will get right to it.
If you have chronic back pain or muscle weakness, it may be caused by something you never would have thought...a lack of VitaminD. Yes, that's correct. A vitaminD deficiency. According to the authors of this article, we in the United States have contributed to this. There are many problems that can be a result of the lack of this vitamin. For one, in order for calcium to be absorbed for maintaining bone strength. This deficiency has been attributed to increase risk for several cancers...colon, breast, prostate, lung and skin cancers. It sould be easy to correct since the sun light is the main source of VitaminD. Since we have gone nuts to prevent any little piece of sun to hit our skin for fear of skin cancer we do not get the good and healthful aspects of the sun. The article mentions some studies that indicate the greatest risk for skin cancer seems to be fair colored skin. Of course, if we get many sunburns throughout our life, it can increase the risk.
Any way, I found this article to be very eye-opening because my physician has just identified that I have a deficiency. She has me on a gel capsule one time per week then to re-check in 3 months. The main thing that they seem to worry about is the lack of calcium absorption which will lead to brittle bones. I sure don't want that! But, I am interested in potential improvement in my achey and weak muscles and the low back pain. I don't think physicians are aware enough about other symptoms of VitaminD deficiency...We need to spread the word! The article gives information on home testing kits.
I will keep you posted about my results!
I will also make available some a link to the article as well as other healthcare tips.
- Alice